1. Wellness. This is going to be a priority this year (and hopefully ever year after). In 2013 I will eat more clean and healthy. I will exercise 4-5 days a week and practice yoga on a regular basis. I'm even going to give running a chance. Signed up for a 5k in March so keep your fingers crossed that I actually start to like it. Most importantly, I am going to try my hardest to worry less and enjoy more.
2. Time. In 2013 I will make more time for the things I love. Blogging, crafting, reading, cooking, and movies. All of these things allow me to escape from my every day stressful work life and deserve more of my attention.
3. Family. In 2013 my family will continue to be a priority. Love and laughter, and probably the occasional sadness and anger.
4. Focus. In 2013 I will be more focused. Focused on the big things that matter most and move on from things that are out of my control. I will work hard, love deeply, and show kindness. Oh and I almost forgot...I am going to get even more organized. That's right folks, more lists and more planning and cleaning out, etc.
5. Love. Jared and I have already decided 2013 is our year. We feel so lucky to have each other and we are going to take on 2013 TOGETHER!
I love that I am documenting this list and I can come back to it as many times as I need to remind myself what is truly important to me. It is just too easy to get derailed in this crazy life of mine and I am putting a stop to that right now. You are all my witnesses :)
Happy New Year to you and yours. May 2013 bring you happiness, love, laughter and good health!!